Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Please go to Cosmo Cricket and Nominate Me for DT

Hi Everyone! I need your help! Cosmo Cricket http://cosmocricket.typepad.com/ is offering an opportunity to be featured on their blog and possibly be added as a design team member!!! This is what they are saying:
"Be nominated by your friends and family as one awesome person who would make a great addition to our design team. The top 10 people nominated will be featured here on our blog for you to vote on again. The winner of that vote will become the newest addition to our team for at least 6 months and they will also receive tons of Cosmo Cricket goodies including the new lines."

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I wanted to tell you that I am a more recent follower of yours, but that I love all the work you do! Plus I really love the name of your blog! So I have choosen you for a Stylish Blogger Award! I recently received one myself and as part of it you get to choose eight other blogs that you find stylish and pass the award along... if you go to my blog you'll be able to get your award, then you can blog about it with a link back to my page, tell eight things about yourself, and list eight other stylish blogs letting them know that they were chosen by you! Thank you so much, and Congratulations!
